Everyone likes to be recognized for their achievements!!
The Boy Scouts of America meets this universal need with age specific Advancement Programs for scouts, and with Adult Recognition for adult leaders.
These programs are designed to support the Aims: Character Development, Citizenship Training, and Fitness Promotion; and the Mission of the Boy Scouts of America: To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law
Looking for a Merit Badge Counselor?
Per the BSA Guide to Advancement Scouts should not have access to a list of Merit Badge Counselors (
Use these steps to find a list of Merit Badge Counselors in Scoutbook or My.Scouting for your Scouts!
Log into http://scoutbook.scouting.org with your my.scouting userID and password, click on My Dashboard, Administration, your unit and scroll down the page.
The merit badge counselor list is available for unit key 3 leaders by logging into http://my.scouting.org, going to their units Roster tool, and clicking on Reports.