Baden-Powell Council Program Partners
Partner with Scouting to Reach 3,700 Youth and their Families
Every person in Scouting learns the motto “Be Prepared.” And while that can mean a lot of things to a lot of people, ultimately the Boy Scouts of America prepares young people for life. We prepare them by creating opportunities for learning and growth that foster and strengthen self-confidence, ethics, respect for others, academic skills, and leadership abilities that stay with them their entire lives. Parents appreciate this. Kids love it. And brands have an opportunity to be a part of it.
Our brand and our programs are built on four pillars:
Service: Scouting prepares youth for a life of service by teaching them to improve their communities and the lives of others.
Adventure: Scouting prepares youth for a life of adventure by encouraging them to abandon sedentary lifestyle, live healthier, and enjoy the great outdoors.
Learning: Scouting prepares youth for a life of learning by mentoring them to set goals and work to reach them one step at a time.
Leadership: Scouting prepares youth for a life of leadership, by giving young people the skills to take responsibility and teach by example.
Communication from the council to the 3,700+ local contacts is primarily focused on upcoming events and opportunities in which Scouts and their families can participate. Share Your Brand with Scouting Families: Your generous support as a Program Partner provides your organization exposure to a targeted audience while helping the Boy Scouts of America, Baden-Powell Council deliver the promise of a fun, quality and well-balanced Scouting program.
For more information on becoming a Program Partner with Us. Program Partners Flyer.